The Game Game Plan Builders Guild Reality Guild Appearances Visuals Meetings Communication Guilds Guilds Guild Needs Guild Regards Guild Dreams Guild Wisdom Guild Challenges Opinions Guild Game Tools Guild Disinformation War Games Guild
Our game will at first appear as a carnival map of booths. Each booth will present and reward 2.0 activities of an increasingly advanced nature. When a player reaches a critical level, they will be introduced to one or more communities of other players, or to one or more guilds, or to a neighborhood and a home. The longer a player plays the game, the greater their sense of immersion and influence.
A map is divided into clickable shapes. Clicking on one of these shapes can take the player into a booth or into a zoomed in portion of the map, i.e., another map. These shapes can appear as a suggestive image which represents where the user will go. Maps can appear in other contexts, such as a "portal device" through which the player can jump to other locations, or a hierarchal region map containing sub-regions and neighborhoods.
Each booth is built by a member of the game guild. In it will be a mini-game which challenges the player to earn regard points by responding in accord with the qualities we want in 2.0. The challenges are inviting and fun. At first they see only a few booths with mini-games that are simple and natural. As they accumulate regard, more booths become visible, and the challenges become more subtle and advanced.
This continues until eventually the game outside the carnival becomes visible and the option of a home, guild or community appear. From then on, the carnival becomes a place to stock up on needed regard.
A player's home provides an opportunity to immerse deeper into the game. This allows a player to more broadly explore needs, such as entertainment, furniture, repairs, hobbies. A prominent button in the UI will, when clicked, take the player home.
Each home comes with a portal device which offers instantaneous transport to other locations within the game: a friend's home, a guild, a booth.
Neighborhoods expand the immersion by adding neighbors, local establishments like places to eat, shop, do laundry and local terrain like parks, rivers or mountain sides. Regions are collections of neighborhoods and other sub-regions. All of these have two visual modes: map and immersion. Immersion will present a single property (home, restaurant, picnic area, etc.), whereas maps show clusters of properties or terrain from above.
Guilds offer a player training, earning and influence. The latter is where we expect a lot of interesting 2.0 activity. Most of the designing of and thinking about 2.0 will take place here. Guilds have several visual modes: member hierarchy and personal, along with communication modes: search, forum, classroom, needs, opinions, and justice. The main page for each guild has a purpose statement and a handful of link buttons, some containing counts.
Players may want to assemble somewhat permanently into groups that are represented neither by a guild nor by geography, but they can also be collections of neighborhoods. A communities guild assists with establishing neighborhoods and communities.
Training develops skills that are unique to 2.0 as well as those that help a player pursue their passion. Players who provide this training join whichever guild most closely fits the skills they want to help develop. Training can be one-on-one or classroom setting. Material used for training is expected to accumulate, starting from bare essentials and evolving into easily digested yet powerful content.
The opinions guild provides training in communication and consensus building. The knowledge guild trains players in adding to and searching the game's knowledge base. The needs guild trains players in the details of adding to and searching the needs database.